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2 posters

    Xxenos (extra) Lyla's Story

    Sergeant Major Animelogist
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    Xxenos (extra) Lyla's Story Empty Xxenos (extra) Lyla's Story

    Post by OnomichiSaruokami Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:58 pm

    I've always lived by myself in an empty house surrounded by trees. Just recently, my parents disappeared. Luckily I know how to fend for myself. The food was running low...that's when I decided to find a town and live there. I packed the last of the food, my clothes, my *cough* doll. Didn't want to leave such a valueable item behind. I walked outside, looking around for which direction I should be going. Maybe, north? Er....I'll just go whichever. Doesn't matter. That's strange. There isn't any animals around like usual. The bushes rustled. Lyla: "Hello? Is anyone there?" I didn't get a reply. Lyla: "Psh...". I kept walking, but then I heard it again. I looked back and saw nothing. Lyla: "If you're trying to scare me, whoever you are, it's not working. Now stop being creepy and stop stalking me." Yet no one answered. That's what scared me. I should probably run.....Crazy loons lurking around the woods these days.

    I ran out the woods and looked back. No one was following me. Lyla: "....Well. I'm gonna miss home." I traveled for a long, north, I think. It's been 2 weeks already since I left home and I ate all my food. Lyla: "Arrrgh! I should've went East! This is taking FOREVER!!" I fell to the ground to take a breath. And when I looked up again I saw a town filled with people. Lyla: "No way! I made it? I made it! Finally...I thought I was gonna die out here." I wondered around looking for a place where adults can take me in as their own. I stopped a random lady. Lyla: "Hey lady, can you do me a favor?" Woman: "Why, hello there, little girl! Aww, you look so adorable with your dollie." Lyla: "Yeah, Yeah. Anyways, I'm an orphan and I'm looking for a place to call home. Can you help me out?" Woman: "I'm sorry, honey. I can't take you in as my own." Lyla: "W-Why not?" Woman: "Because I already have 6 children of my own at home." Lyla: "..Ohh...Well it'd be too crowded anyway. Thanks lady." Woman: "Hold on. I know where you can go." Lyla: "Really?!" The lady pointed to the 2-story building in the middle of town. Woman: "You see that building right there?" Lyla: "Yup." Woman: "That's a school and orphanage. You can go there. They always accept children that has no home." Lyla: "Sweet. Thanks alot." Woman: "No problem, sweety. I hope everything turns out well." Lyla: "See ya!" I waved and she waved back.

    As soon as I walked in the school, I smelled fresh oranges in the air. Disturbing...I have a feeling this place is squirming with preps with an orange scent and nicely cut hair. Ugh...How I loathe snotty people. I've only seen preppy people on tv, but I still don't like them. Teacher: "Yes, little girl? May I help you?" I stood over by her desk. Lyla: "I'm--" Teacher: "Sorry, dear, but I can't hear or see you. You'll have to get a stool in the corner there. I stood on the stool. It made me feel taller. Lyla: "I'm here to get adopted and a lady in town directed me here. She said you could hook me up." Teacher: "Ehem, first of all, do you have an appointment to do that?" Lyla: "No, but--" Teacher: "No appointment. No adoption." Lyla: "Hey, listen--" Teacher: "You may leave now." I violently hit her desk. Lyla: "Listen here old hag! I didn't travel miles away from an empty home to get rejected and be sent BACK to that same empty home. So either you set me up for adoption or I'll....." Teacher: "Please! Keep your voice down." I glared at her. Lyla: "....or I'll scream. And when they come, I'll say you molested me. That wouldn't look to good for you, eh lady? Molesting a sweet innocent girl that always tells the truth." Teacher: "Ah, well! Ugh, fine! Just keep your voice down. *sigh* So what's your name? So I can put you down on my list." Lyla: "The name's Lyla. Lyla Stronghold." I smirked.
    Senior Animelogist
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    Xxenos (extra) Lyla's Story Empty Re: Xxenos (extra) Lyla's Story

    Post by Iru Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:13 am

    I think her name matches her, indeed.

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