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6 posters

    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops


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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by Admin Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:53 pm


    There has been much talk from the higher rulers of the leaf village about a corruption in the black ops! This ANBU team deals with Assassination and Tactical Squad work! A man named Goro has stolen documents of the kage and has the plan to Assassin the HoKage in order to bring the Leaf village under his command! Were he will order killings of childern, familys and even increase taxes for his own good! He is an evil man but has worked in the background so you must remeber this, He knows more then any normal threat! We have reason to believe he has other men on his side, so make sure you keep a close eye on all the Black Ops! If you dont he mite find you! Also make sure to check the ANBU Head Quarters and ANBU School of Ops to make sure its clean of him and his Corrupted followers! Now Save the Leaf Village from Corruption!
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by luffydrunk Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:18 pm

    *Charlie recieves this order in a top secrete scroll and wonders who else mite have gotten this Scroll*
    ~I sure hope my buddy's got the same scroll because i would hate to have to do this by myself...Well i better head acoss city to see if anyone else mite have gotten this thing... Wait i cant do that! It was given to me in secrete! Then what should i do...~
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by jamalkeys Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:53 pm


    What a night. What's this?

    mum...mummummm...mum...corruption within Anbu Black Ops?

    huh, I always knew that something was up with those cat-mask wearing spicks. that explain those masks! so then none of their friends won't notice them killing their family or something....BUT RAISING TAXES??!?!?!?!?

    ......that's.....just evil.....[/color]

    Afro's demon form starts flaring up, but he was able to cool it back down. He decides to burn the scroll and walk into the town like nothing was wrong, but kept an eye out.....He then remembers that lately, a few of his usual attackers have been ANBU members.
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by luffydrunk Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:48 pm

    *Charlie arives in town next to a coffee shop were he spots Afro*
    ~Whats.... that....i..see a piece of the scroll hanging from his pocket!~
    *Charlie adventures out to meet afro and ID the scroll for real*
    Hey Afro, ...Can we talk in private just for a secound?
    *Charlie gives Afro an understanding look to see his reaction*
    Sergeant Major Animelogist
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by zero Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:57 pm

    *Harou is coming from dojo and gets this scoll and see's his friends Charlie and afro *

    hey guys whats up , I was just walking around and I got this weird scoll I'm a little scared
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by luffydrunk Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:08 pm

    *Charlie look alarmed toward his friend Harou*
    Wait... you got a scroll too!
    ~Could this be the scroll i recieved from the message bird of the hokage~
    We all need to talk like right now! Lets go in the coffee shop over to our left were i have a friend, who can hook use up with a private room.
    Sergeant Major Animelogist
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by zero Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:16 pm

    *Haro turns to see a small busy coffeeshop with signs in japnese saying the worlds greatest coffee with the E hanging off the sign *

    sounds great let's talk guys
    gaara`s land
    gaara`s land
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by gaara`s land Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:34 pm

    *Zora phones Harou about something concerning him*

    Harou: Whats up bro
    Zora: I have a bad feeling bro
    Harou: What you mean like the cramps!
    Zora: No... i got a scary scroll today man
    Harou: Woah me too... come to the coffee shop... we cant talk on the phone about this
    Zora: ok, ...and thanks for the help man..

    ~ i sure hope he got to the same scroll~
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by jamalkeys Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:23 am

    In the coffee shop... seems this is too....out in the open....

    there are enemies all around, and i'm not risking another fight with the headband hunters for now....because if they fight one of you, they'll get "the thing"

    so we'll have to go somewhere else, we can't risk this getting out into the public
    Sergeant Major Animelogist
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by zero Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:41 pm

    *Harou stands up from the chair and says*
    I think your right were your friend charlie?
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by jamalkeys Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:48 pm

    he was beside me outside
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by zero Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:02 pm

    um ok ...... Well charlies friend is supose to give us a room that's privite
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by jamalkeys Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:31 am

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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by luffydrunk Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:00 am

    *Chalie heads over to the coffee shop with the group behind him*
    ~I hope my friend wouldn't ask to sit in..~
    *Charlie wave over his friend and tell him his plan. The friend takes charlie and the rest of the group into a same hidden room down in the basement and leaves us to be*
    Ok now we are free to talk about this scroll we recieved....
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by jamalkeys Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:24 pm

    alright...this guy, i know ive seen somewhere....hes been gettin on my nerves for a while now because i think hes tryin to get rid of the swordsman in the town as well
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by luffydrunk Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:49 pm

    *Charlie nods in understanding but ask's*
    Is this man involved with the scrolls in any way?
    ~I see it but i dont.... could this be Goro... No it cant be... Goro has been a Black op for most of his life.... ~
    Well in this scroll... i see... an idea! We should move to ANBU Head Quarters after we are done here to look for any back ground info on this guy! Any one else got any ideas?
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by jamalkeys Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:53 pm

    maybe....or maybe theres a mole in there
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by zero Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:04 am

    *Harou looks at Charlie and says*

    To be honest it is a great idea lets go with it .
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by jamalkeys Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:34 pm

    a little dangerous....

    *puts on ANBU mask*

    sounds good to me, though! Lets go
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by luffydrunk Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:34 pm

    *Charlie nods to harou and Afro*
    Ok.. then it is decided.... lets go
    *Reachs under his coat and grabs his ANBU op mask with the symbol of justice reading upon it in dark red ink*
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by zero Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:39 pm

    *Harou nods and grabbs his mask in his bag , its got the sign of a circle to repersent the traget cause he never fails a misson*
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by luffydrunk Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:51 pm

    *charlie signals the hawk eyed sign for move out with his right hand*
    ~we should hit the ANBU Head Quarters in 2800 north of here~
    *Charlie holds at 23N, 47S of head quarters to get a Head Count*
    Whisper: Is everyone ready for entering? We will enter from the left and stay undercover in our masks till my signal is given...
    *Charlie shows the signal to everyone; A touch of his mask and a hold for at least a second*
    Whisper: Make sure to never take your mask off intil you see that signal! Also stay with me and we mite be able to find what we need here in less than an hour
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by zero Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:01 pm

    *Harou nods and moves behind Charlie to the entrance of the Head Quarters*
    ~Wow this is not going to be easy... all i have to do is act normal...ok..i..can that! Right?~
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by luffydrunk Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:07 pm

    *Charlie leads the group in a mob with their masks fully covering their faces in order to enter Head Quarters with out a problem*
    ~I hope none of these rookies get us killed~
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    Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops Empty Re: Mission 01 Corrupted ANBU Black Ops

    Post by zero Fri Feb 12, 2010 4:58 pm

    *Harou is amazed with the place*


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