When Posting Wallpapers and Images:
1. Do not post nudity, or foul Wallpapers and Images.If done so, We will take action and take it off.
2. Do not post Wallpapers and Images with the size being bigger then 1200x1000.
3. If posting there are two ways to do it, one place it in a spoiler (Recommand) or post it on the bottom of your text when your done writing
4. Be respectful of others and there findings
1. Do not post nudity, or foul Wallpapers and Images.If done so, We will take action and take it off.
2. Do not post Wallpapers and Images with the size being bigger then 1200x1000.
3. If posting there are two ways to do it, one place it in a spoiler (Recommand) or post it on the bottom of your text when your done writing
4. Be respectful of others and there findings