1. we will not tolerate personal attacks , insulting posts,rudeness or purposeless inflammatory posts!
2. Please Refrain from posting meaningless threads.
3. Advertising, spamming and trolling is not allowed at all, including usage of the forum`s emails, visitor messages, blog comments, picture comments and private message systems to spam other members.
4. We do not allow any posts or links to sites that are00000 in nature or violate vBulletin community standards.
5. 00000 related content, Violent related posts, threats,22223 and nudity are not accepted here in this community.
6. Discussion of illegal activities such as software, music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed.
7. We reserve the right to remove offensive posts without notice.
8. These rules cover most common situations, they cannot and must not anticipate everything at all.
9. We reserve the right to throw out any member at any time.
10. You cannot post any affiliate or referral links, or post anything asking for a referral.
11. You cannot post advertisements or notices for contests, sites without permission from admins
12. It is also forbidden to post advertising for money-related conent or product.
2. Please Refrain from posting meaningless threads.
3. Advertising, spamming and trolling is not allowed at all, including usage of the forum`s emails, visitor messages, blog comments, picture comments and private message systems to spam other members.
4. We do not allow any posts or links to sites that are00000 in nature or violate vBulletin community standards.
5. 00000 related content, Violent related posts, threats,22223 and nudity are not accepted here in this community.
6. Discussion of illegal activities such as software, music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed.
7. We reserve the right to remove offensive posts without notice.
8. These rules cover most common situations, they cannot and must not anticipate everything at all.
9. We reserve the right to throw out any member at any time.
10. You cannot post any affiliate or referral links, or post anything asking for a referral.
11. You cannot post advertisements or notices for contests, sites without permission from admins
12. It is also forbidden to post advertising for money-related conent or product.